Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: civ3 compatibility

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: civ3 compatibility

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To: "Per I. Mathisen" <per@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: civ3 compatibility
From: Marko Lindqvist <marko.lindqvist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 07 Sep 2003 22:09:44 +0300

Per I. Mathisen wrote:

Please note that Civ3 compatibility is not (yet) a prioritized goal for

 If I'm going to write any further tickets, I'll add this note to them.

My list of needed tickets is still growing faster than I write them to RT. There would be much more tickets than I originally thought and thus maillist flooding would be quite a bigger problem than I hoped. Is there any way to prevent RT from sending mail? (At least some tickets seem to have comments that I have never received)

 As for goals, do we currently have any kind of goal at all?

> IMHO, changes needed for point for point compatibility with Civ3
is less important than changes needed to produce good modpacks that have
nothing to do with Civ3.

For most part, I agree. I'd like to see ruleset format expanded so that good modpacks can be made. There is at least three ways to expand ruleset format:

1. Just make random additions - There have always been and will be some activity of this kind, and that's ok (I personally enjoy most writing patches to this category) But it seems to me that development without real goals have been slower than it was when we were clearly targeting toward civ2 compatibility.

2. Make additions based on plan that is original to freeciv - There have never been such a plan. Maybe we need to select one modpack as our primary goal and focus development on its needs.

3. Take additions from existing games - We did this when we were heading for civ2 compatibility and at least freecivAC project does this. Note that even if individual ideas are not original to freeciv, composition of them makes original modpacks possible. Besides, when something is implemented such a way that it supports both games "a" and "b", ruleset generalization have often produced possibility "c". If this path is chosen, I'd rather see compatibility to several games as goal than focusing to just one game (no original composition here).

 Personally, I do not want any changes that are
specific only to a Civ3 modpack and are unlikely to be ever used

IMHO, If feature required by only one modpack breaks nothing from other modpacks, it can be taken to freeciv. Of course, it should have lower priority than those changes affecting several modpacks.

Face it - Civ3 sucked, and we should be aiming higher.

Civ3 has some quite stupid ideas and ideas that would require far too much work compared to their actual benefit, but it does have several quite interesting ideas too. I consider it just different from other civ games, no better or worse. Playing it is interesting experience every now and then.

I don't know what jason meant when he wrote that tickets for civ3 incompatibilities should be written, but I'm writing them as some kind of suggestions. Like I have said before, I'm personally against some of them, as they would be too much work or just plain stupid ideas, but I'd like to list all these 'suggestions' so they can be implemented, ignored or properly shot down. At least RT would have records that these ideas have been somewhat considered.

 - Caz

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