Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#5101) improved dithering, made elegant

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#5101) improved dithering, made elegant

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To: rt-guest@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#5101) improved dithering, made elegant
From: "Daniel L Speyer" <dspeyer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2003 10:29:31 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jason Short wrote:

>[guest - Fri Aug 15 04:31:51 2003]:
>>Some of you may remember this one from a while back, but it's gotten
>>much more elegant and cross-gui-able.
>>This patch allows rotating dithers for more variety, and over-generous
>>dithers for mountains, hills, an oceans.  The result is a substancial
>>visual improvement and an illimination of the embarrising grasslands
>>(isotrident) or plains (lexxy) that always surrounded the bases of
>>I've tested it in gtk and gtk2.  I've also written it for win32 and
>>but haven't tested because I don't have those environments.  xaw and
>>don't use tilesetted dithers, so they are unaffected.
>>It requires a compatible tileset to have any effect.  I've posted a
>>isotrident at and a
>>screenshot at (why can't I
>>upload to anymore?).
>We should do this in two steps.
>The first step makes the GUI cleanups, separating the dither choice
>behind a get_dither_mask call.
I suppose we could, but the patch is pretty small already, and the first 
half would be rather silly.

>The second introduces the added functionality of new dithering.
>I do have a couple of questions about the GUI parts, though:
>1. In GTK and GTK2, why the changes to pixmap_put_tile_iso?  Doesn't
>this mean you're drawing a dithered sprite, then drawing ocean on top of it?
Yes, that's exactly wat it does.  This means that the land can stretch 
out toward the shore, instead of the embarrissingly full coastlines of 
generic terrain we have now.

>2. I'm pretty sure gui-sdl does use dithering.  But it's done
>differently from other GUIs.  IIRC.
I tried to skim the code there, but it's very complicated.  I think I'd 
better leave sdl to people who know it.  This patch won't effect them.



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