Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ3 Ruselset [Was: Re: (PR#5437) wishlist: new unit,

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ3 Ruselset [Was: Re: (PR#5437) wishlist: new unit,

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To: per@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: jdwheeler42@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Civ3 Ruselset [Was: Re: (PR#5437) wishlist: new unit, the worker]
From: "Marko Lindqvist" <marko.lindqvist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 12:20:54 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jason Short wrote:
> What I would like to see is
> 1.  A ruleset, civ3.serv and data/civ3.  This can be a contributed 
> add-on, but should go into CVS as soon as it's recognizably from civ3. 
> It must be playable, even if this means some options are absent.

  - We need to implement our own tech tree. Civ3 does not have single 
tech tree, but separate ones for each age
  - We should use civ/2 rules that under republic/democracy military 
units outside city cause unhappiness, to balance missing war weariness code
  - Defense value for units that can be captured, should be set to 0.
  - Diplomat and Caravan units should be added so at least civ/2 version 
of diplomacy and trade is present
  - Find balanced attack power for units with bombard ability
  - While waiting for gen-effects, map each civ3 wonder to closest civ/2 
match. Implement small wonders as civ/2 wonders (great wonders)
  - Only one sea terrain type should be implemented. Triremes work as in 
Civ/2. All higher sea units can travel any sea squares
  - All units should have IgZOC flag
  - Make bridge building civ/2 style -> Workers can build bridges when 
Engineering learned
  - Include civ/2 style barbarian leader so there is at least civ/2 way 
to get their barbarian gold.

> 2.  A list of new features needed for civ3 compatability.  These should 
> be separated as cleanly as possible, and put into RT.
  Maybe under new queue civ3-mode? I can type in tickets easily 
determined from civ3 manual (It does have quite good What's changed chapter)

> The same would apply for just about any other civ game.  But for some 
> games there are just too many code differences needed for a ruleset to 
> be recognizable without them (e.g., SMAC and gen-effects), so I think we 
> need some code changes first.

  Are you sure civ3 is not in this group? To balance missing code 
features, we need to revert ruleset changes to civ2 style and we end up 
with a bit modified civ2 ruleset. But I think that civ3 ruleset should 
exist, even if not too recognizable, before code cahnges are expected. 
It's more rewarding to write new features if there is ruleset that will 
use them than to write them just in case someday they will be used.

  btw. While looking code changes required for civ3 compatibility, I 
found out that several of them would be solved by reqgen patches. Maybe 
I should update them after all...

  - Caz

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