Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4387) The Return of the Rand() Moves

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4387) The Return of the Rand() Moves

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To: per@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4387) The Return of the Rand() Moves
From: "Jason Short" <jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 10:09:25 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

John Wheeler wrote:
> [glip - Sun Aug 31 18:01:27 2003]:
>>/*************** Current mode (unittools.c/try_move_unit) **********/
>>We have 3 numbers: full move points (F) of a unit, current (C) move
> points 
>>of the unit and the required (R) move points for the move being tried.
>>The move will succeed with probability 100% if
>>  F == C
>>  C >= R
>>Otherwise, it will succeed with probability C / R.
>>/************************* Proposal ******************************/
>>The proposal is to implement a system where no probability is needed.  
>>There are three possible flavours:
>>1. Strict -- only moves with 100% probability will succeed.
>>2. Fast -- as long as C > 0, the move will succeed.
>>3. Mixed -- move will suceed if probability > threshold value.
> 4. Negative -- if C <= 0, move always fails, else move always succeeds,
> and C -= R [which means that C would need to be a signed integer]. 
> (When a new turn comes, C += F.)  So, for example, a warrior would have
> to rest for two turns after climbing a mountain.'

I will add to this the current behavior:

0.  Random - move has probability C/R to succeed.

It seems like we should just be able to have a single server option 
(with a second option to control option#3) to determine how this is 
done, and PF and others should then "just work".

Option 0 may give poorer results in some situations, but I don't see any 
reason why it wouldn't work - and for compatability it should be kept.

But I'm not too familiar with this code.  Is there any flaw in my reasoning?


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