[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4785) disappearing archers
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jorneg@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> En/na Jason Short ha escrit:
>>I walked up with a settlers next to an enemy's cannon. So I brought up
>>the bodyguard: two units of archers. Things now looked like:
>> CA
>> AS
>>and I had no MP left. So I set both units of archers on "goto" toward
>>the cannon, to see if I could attack first (which sometimes happens
>>since the end-of-turn order is buggy).
>>At the end of the turn I got the message "Settlers lost to an attack by
>>xxx's cannon near yyy". And both units of archers were just gone.
>>There was no message, and no legitimate reason I can tell for their
>>disappearance (their homecity wasn't conquered or anything like that).
>>Not reproducable.
> What has happen is that the two archers attacked the cannon and
> loose the combat. And then, the cannon attacked and killed the settler.
> And you have reason, there should be a message like in normal combat.
You're saying there's a missing message?
Even so I find it hard to believe; either one of the settlers should
have easily defeated the cannon.