Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Question and a patch.

[Freeciv-Dev] Question and a patch.

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Question and a patch.
From: Lobo Gris <molv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 01:46:31 -0300
Reply-to: molv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


1) ¿What does it means the version number 1.14.1? ¿Is that you are adding new 
features to approaching the 1.15 release or you are debugging the 1.14 release? 
¿Or both?

2) I have just updated an old patch that I made three years ago. This patch 
includes three new optional game rules:

- the option to deactivate the killstack feature
- the option to regulate the amount of damage in a battle (so it is possible 
that both units survive)
- A not binary veteran rule (levels of Experience)

If you (developers of freeciv) are really interested in one or both of first 
two options, I can make a separate patch and sent it to you.

The third option requires an upgrade of the client, and my patch only updates 
the gtk-2.0 clients. But I suppose it's easy to upgrade the other clients.
In this case, there is a function that regulates how the experience is adjusted 
after each battle, so it is easy to change this behavior. Also, the code is 
made in a way that is very easy to add new veteran models.

The patch is in the following web address:           


LG <>

«El incesto es una noción moral producida por una ideología ligada a la 
elaboración del poder en las sociedades domésticas como un medio de control de 
los mecanismos de la reproducción, y no una prescripción innata que sería para 
el caso la única de su especie: lo que está presentado como un pecado contra la 
naturaleza en verdad no es otra cosa que un pecado contra la autoridad.»

(Claude Meillasoux)

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