[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4372) Missile carriers with limited fuel always cr
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On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 10:00:46AM -0700, Joseph Ennis wrote:
> I did something similar, making bombers into
> MISSILE_CARRIERS. Watch out for CARRIERS, though.
> Putting an air unit MISSILE_CARRIER onto a CARRIER
> will greatly increase the effective transport_cap of a
> CARRIER. It will be something alongs the lines
> carrier->transport_cap + (carrier->transport_cap *
> air_unit_missile_carrier->transport_cap).
??? I can't see why this should be true, and as far as I can tell it
isn't true; I have an aircraft carrier (8 units), a figher modified to
carry 2 missiles, and 9 missiles. So the carrier carries 1 figher and
7 missiles, and the fighter carries 2 more missiles. If I add another
missile, it runs out of fuel.
You're right that putting 8 of my fighters would permit me to carry 16
missiles, but I don't see that this is a problem, if it's considered
when designing the ruleset.
If you were to think of this, for example, as a helicopter with 2
sidewinder missiles, it makes sense that the aircraft carrier can seem
to carry a very large number of missiles. It carries the choppers, and
they individually carry their missiles.
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