Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: May 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: client/server authentication (PR#1767)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: client/server authentication (PR#1767)

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To: kaufman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: client/server authentication (PR#1767)
From: "ChrisK@xxxxxxxx" <ChrisK@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 May 2003 01:21:13 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Sun, May 04, 2003 at 08:51:33PM -0700, Mike Kaufman wrote:


BTW your patch numbering is horrible.

It is still easy to crash the client by simply holding the return
key pressed in the connect dialog:

chris@max:~> civclient -t trident -P none
2: lost connection to server
2: letzte Mitteilung 2mal wiederholt
2: letzte Mitteilung 2mal wiederholt (insgesamt 4 Wiederholungen)
2: letzte Mitteilung 4mal wiederholt (insgesamt 8 Wiederholungen)
2: letzte Mitteilung 1mal wiederholt (insgesamt 9 Wiederholungen)
1: Unexpected buffers in try_to_connect()
civclient: clinet.c:320: input_from_server: Zusicherung »fd ==
aconnection.sock« nicht erfüllt.
Abgebrochen (core dumped)

2: chris von localhost erbittet Verbindung.
2: c12 hat Client 1.14.1-devel.
2: Rejected connection from localhost with duplicate login name.
2: Verbindung verloren: chris von localhost (Verbindung unvollständig).


When the user enters an empty password, she is asked to confirm it instead
of being rejected. The confirm step should be skipped in this case IMHO.


+                  _("Your client is broken or lying. It thinks it's sending"
+                    "a new password when it shouldn't. contact %s"), 



What's the reason for the redundancy with


in the database file?


I've created a user account with a password containing german umlauts.
When I start the client with LANG=fr I cannot enter the umlauts (no "*"

I got a
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
when civclient started. Is this the reason for it? Is this a problem?

With LANG= it worked.



Christian Knoke     * * *
* * * * * * * * *  Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse dividendum.

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