Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3539) Cant Compile on MacOSX

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3539) Cant Compile on MacOSX

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To: halogenius@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#3539) Cant Compile on MacOSX
From: "Andy Black" <blackaw@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 19:02:58 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


The most immediate problem seems to be that no compiler can be found. 
If you haven't installed the developer tools yet, locate that CD and 
do so.  If you don't have the developer tools CD, you can download an 
image of the CD from the ADC website 
(  Be aware that this is an ~300 
MB download last I checked.

I don't know whether apple's cc is installed with the basic OS X 
install, but I know it's installed if the developer tools have been 

The next problem that will be encountered will likely be a message 
that you were unable to build a client.

Freeciv has two components, the client and the server.  The server is 
command line based, and should build without a hassle under OS X. 
The client portion is inherently platform specific.  At this time, no 
working native client exists for either OS X or the classic 
environment.  I have been working on changing that, but I am unlikely 
to finish this task any time soon.

A solution is to build the GTK client and run it using an X11 client. 
The X11 client can also be obtained from Apple 
( or can be built from 
scratch.  The Apple download is ~50 MB, including the download for 
the SDK (you'll need it).  You'll also need to download a utility 
called Fink ( and an associated utility 
called Fink Commander (  Fink 
can be used to build many LINUX programs and utilities under OS X. 
After installing the X-11 client, the SDK, Fink, and FinkComander, 
you'll need to install the gtk+ or gtk+2 packages (you only need 
one).  The download for those packages (and their associated 
libraries) is probably 100-150 MB more.  If you don't chose to 
install the Apple X11 client, you'll need to build one from another 
sources, such as through Fink.

I hope these instructions are detailed enough to point you in the 
correct direction.

--Andrew Black

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