[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#2789) Units sometimes remain displayed in fog of w
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On Sat, Feb 15, 2003 at 12:23:41AM -0800, Jason Short via RT wrote:
> As a side note, this is the kind of bug we will see more of with
> delta-style packets. Because the original information doesn't get
> resent, there is no way for the client to correct any mistakes it may
> have made in the meantime.
If we speak about info packets (unit_info, tile_info, ...) that it is
correct that the sender will not sent packets which doesn't provide
new information. _The client has to cope with this_. However for
non-info packets (chat_msg, game_state, combat_info, bribe_info,
nuke_tile,...) the sender isn't allowed to discard packets even if the
packet doesn't change content.
Do you mean: the client overwrites fields of a certain unit and than
doesn't get "fast enough" a refresh for the server because the server
discarded the packet? If yes that I think this is good since it
allowes us the find the overwrite bug.
email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"How about the new language C&? No, that's not 'c ampersand', 'c reference',
'reference to c' or 'c and'. It's pronounced 'campersand', to confuse the
hell out of people who are unfamiliar with it, and it will, of course,
have no pointers."
-- Xazziri in comp.lang.c++ about C#
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