Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#2745) Change style guide to favor a++ instead of +

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#2745) Change style guide to favor a++ instead of +

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Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#2745) Change style guide to favor a++ instead of ++a
From: "Raimar Falke via RT" <rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 23:42:46 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 09:16:06PM -0800, rwetmore@xxxxxxxxxxxx via RT wrote:
> If you don't immediately use the value a++ is good.
> If you do, then the compiler has to save a somewhere
> before doing the update, and tends to generate extra
> instructions. 
> In the latter case ++a is better as it can just update.
> So either
>   for( i = 1; i < max; i++)
> or
>   for( i = 0; ++i < max; )
> with the sedond actually generating more efficient code.

I love these discussions: it is easy to verify or to disprove.

$ cat b.c
int f1(int *p, int n)
  int i, s = 0;

  for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    s += p[i];
  return s;

int f2(int *p, int n)
  int i, s = 0;

  for (i = 0; ++i < n;) {
    s += p[i];
  return s;
$ gcc -O2 b.c -S
$ cat b.s
        addl    (%ebx,%edx,4), %eax
        incl    %edx
        cmpl    %ecx, %edx
        jl      .L6
        addl    (%ebx,%edx,4), %eax
        incl    %edx
        cmpl    %ecx, %edx
        jl      .L14

The intel compiler 6.0 however unrolls f1 and produces the same code
for f2 as gcc. Same for 7.0.


 email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
 "The two rules for success in life are:
  1) Never tell them everything you know."

# -- Machine type IA32
# mark_description "Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 
6.0.1   Build 20020822Z";
# mark_description "-long_double -S -O2 -o intel_6_0.s";
        .ident "Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 6.0.1   
Build 20020822Z"
        .ident "-long_double -S -O2 -o intel_6_0.s"
        .file "b.c"
        .align 4
        .align 4
        .ident "-?comment:Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, 
Version 6.0.1   Build 20020822Z  : b.c : -long_double -S -O2 -o intel_6_0.s"
# -- Begin  f1
# mark_begin;
       .align    4,0x90
# parameter 1: 12 + %esp
# parameter 2: 16 + %esp
        .globl   f1
.B1.1:                          # Preds .B1.0
        pushl     %esi                                          #2.1
        pushl     %ebx                                          #2.1
        movl      12(%esp), %ebx                                #1.5
        movl      16(%esp), %ecx                                #1.5
        xorl      %eax, %eax                                    #3.10
        movl      $1, %edx                                      #5.8
        cmpl      $1, %ecx                                      #5.3
        jle       .B1.9         # Prob 2%                       #5.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp edi
.B1.2:                          # Preds .B1.1
        lea       -1(%ecx), %esi                                #5.19
        cmpl      $6, %esi                                      #5.3
        jl        .B1.7         # Prob 0%                       #5.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp edi
.B1.3:                          # Preds .B1.2
        lea       -6(%ecx), %esi                                #5.19
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
.B1.4:                          # Preds .B1.3 .B1.4
        addl      (%ebx,%edx,4), %eax                           #6.5
        addl      4(%ebx,%edx,4), %eax                          #6.5
        addl      8(%ebx,%edx,4), %eax                          #6.5
        addl      12(%ebx,%edx,4), %eax                         #6.5
        addl      16(%ebx,%edx,4), %eax                         #6.5
        addl      $5, %edx                                      #5.22
        cmpl      %esi, %edx                                    #5.3
        jle       .B1.4         # Prob 91%                      #5.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
.B1.7:                          # Preds .B1.2 .B1.4 .B1.7
        addl      (%ebx,%edx,4), %eax                           #6.5
        incl      %edx                                          #5.22
        cmpl      %ecx, %edx                                    #5.3
        jl        .B1.7         # Prob 80%                      #5.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp edi
.B1.9:                          # Preds .B1.7 .B1.1
        popl      %ebx                                          #8.10
        popl      %esi                                          #8.10
        ret                                                     #8.10
        .align    4,0x90
                                # LOE
# mark_end;
        .type   f1,@function
        .size   f1,.-f1
# -- End  f1
# -- Begin  f2
# mark_begin;
       .align    4,0x90
# parameter 1: 8 + %esp
# parameter 2: 12 + %esp
        .globl   f2
.B2.1:                          # Preds .B2.0
        pushl     %ebx                                          #12.1
        movl      8(%esp), %ecx                                 #11.5
        movl      12(%esp), %edx                                #11.5
        xorl      %ebx, %ebx                                    #13.10
        movl      $1, %eax                                      #15.17
        cmpl      $1, %edx                                      #15.3
        jle       .B2.5         # Prob 2%                       #15.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
.B2.3:                          # Preds .B2.1 .B2.3
        addl      (%ecx,%eax,4), %ebx                           #16.5
        incl      %eax                                          #15.17
        cmpl      %edx, %eax                                    #15.3
        jl        .B2.3         # Prob 90%                      #15.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
.B2.5:                          # Preds .B2.3 .B2.1
        movl      %ebx, %eax                                    #18.10
        popl      %ebx                                          #18.10
        ret                                                     #18.10
        .align    4,0x90
                                # LOE
# mark_end;
        .type   f2,@function
        .size   f2,.-f2
# -- End  f2
# End
# -- Machine type IA32
# mark_description "Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 7.0  
 Build 20021021Z";
# mark_description "-long_double -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker 
/opt/intel/compiler70/ia32/lib -S -O2 -o intel_7_0.s";
        .ident "Intel(R) C++ Compiler for 32-bit applications, Version 7.0   
Build 20021021Z"
        .ident "-long_double -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker 
/opt/intel/compiler70/ia32/lib -S -O2 -o intel_7_0.s"
        .file "b.c"
        .align 4
        .align 4
# -- Begin  f1
# mark_begin;
       .align    4,0x90
        .globl f1
# parameter 1: 12 + %esp
# parameter 2: 16 + %esp
..B1.1:                         # Preds ..B1.0
        pushl     %ebx                                          #2.1
        pushl     %esi                                          #2.1
        movl      16(%esp), %ebx                                #1.5
        xorl      %edx, %edx                                    #3.10
        movl      $1, %ecx                                      #5.8
        cmpl      $1, %ebx                                      #5.3
        jle       ..B1.9        # Prob 2%                       #5.3
                                # LOE edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
..B1.2:                         # Preds ..B1.1
        lea       -1(%ebx), %eax                                #5.19
        cmpl      $6, %eax                                      #5.3
        jl        ..B1.6        # Prob 0%                       #5.3
                                # LOE edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
..B1.3:                         # Preds ..B1.2
        movl      %ebp, (%esp)                                  #5.19
        movl      12(%esp), %ebp                                #5.19
        lea       -6(%ebx), %eax                                #5.19
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
..B1.4:                         # Preds ..B1.3 ..B1.4
        addl      (%ebp,%ecx,4), %edx                           #6.5
        addl      4(%ebp,%ecx,4), %edx                          #6.5
        addl      8(%ebp,%ecx,4), %edx                          #6.5
        addl      12(%ebp,%ecx,4), %edx                         #6.5
        addl      16(%ebp,%ecx,4), %edx                         #6.5
        addl      $5, %ecx                                      #5.22
        cmpl      %eax, %ecx                                    #5.3
        jle       ..B1.4        # Prob 91%                      #5.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
..B1.5:                         # Preds ..B1.4
        movl      (%esp), %ebp                                  #
                                # LOE edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
..B1.6:                         # Preds ..B1.5 ..B1.2
        movl      12(%esp), %eax                                #
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
..B1.7:                         # Preds ..B1.6 ..B1.7
        addl      (%eax,%ecx,4), %edx                           #6.5
        addl      $1, %ecx                                      #5.22
        cmpl      %ebx, %ecx                                    #5.3
        jl        ..B1.7        # Prob 80%                      #5.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp esi edi
..B1.9:                         # Preds ..B1.7 ..B1.1
        movl      %edx, %eax                                    #8.10
        popl      %ecx                                          #8.10
        popl      %ebx                                          #8.10
        ret                                                     #8.10
        .align    4,0x90
                                # LOE
# mark_end;
        .type   f1,@function
        .size   f1,.-f1
# -- End  f1
# -- Begin  f2
# mark_begin;
       .align    4,0x90
        .globl f2
# parameter 1: 8 + %esp
# parameter 2: 12 + %esp
..B2.1:                         # Preds ..B2.0
        pushl     %esi                                          #12.1
        movl      12(%esp), %ecx                                #11.5
        xorl      %edx, %edx                                    #13.10
        cmpl      $1, %ecx                                      #15.3
        jle       ..B2.5        # Prob 2%                       #15.3
                                # LOE edx ecx ebx ebp edi
..B2.2:                         # Preds ..B2.1
        movl      8(%esp), %esi                                 #
        lea       4(%esi), %eax                                 #
        lea       (%esi,%ecx,4), %ecx                           #
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp edi
..B2.3:                         # Preds ..B2.2 ..B2.3
        addl      (%eax), %edx                                  #16.5
        addl      $4, %eax                                      #15.17
        cmpl      %ecx, %eax                                    #15.3
        jb        ..B2.3        # Prob 90%                      #15.3
                                # LOE eax edx ecx ebx ebp edi
..B2.5:                         # Preds ..B2.3 ..B2.1
        movl      %edx, %eax                                    #18.10
        popl      %esi                                          #18.10
        ret                                                     #18.10
        .align    4,0x90
                                # LOE
# mark_end;
        .type   f2,@function
        .size   f2,.-f2
# -- End  f2
# End

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