[Freeciv-Dev] savegame format
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I'm pretty new to Freeciv (a couple of weeks) and although I'd like to help
with the development some time, I've got a bit more understanding of the
game to get (not to mention learning C properly)
I've been trying to create a map of Switzerland (it looks a bit stupid : all
surrounded by sea ;-) I was hoping to use civworld, but I haven't got a unix
at home and at school we don't have gtk2.0 installed (and sysadmin probably
suspected my reasons for wanting it installed - he told me I'd have enough
room to install my own stuff next year).
So I set about hacking the savefile format (which is coming along quite
nicely - up to a point - another problem being resisting the temptation to
peek into an ongoing game we've been playing during lunch). I'd like to
specify my own specials tiles, but when I civserver -file game, it tells me
that map.u and map.l are unused. I suspect this has something to do with
this line
options="1.7 startoptions spacerace2 rulesets diplchance_percent startpos
what should I add? (I already added startpos and riversoverlay) Has anyone
got their own doc on what all the things in this file do (they are written
in English after all). In the archives, it appears that the only solution is
to read the code, but I'm afraid I can't do that yet.
I was also wondering how to join a game as an observer, I can't seem to find
anything about it in the manual.
P.S attached is the part of switzerland I have so far; if your server
crashes when you start, remove the lines between t069 and n001
Description: Binary data