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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Idea/suggestion: Different city radii

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Idea/suggestion: Different city radii

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Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Idea/suggestion: Different city radii
From: Jason Short <jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 13:05:09 -0500

Alan Schmitt wrote:
* Raimar Falke (hawk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:

On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 10:51:28PM +0100, Adolf J. Winterer wrote:

There should be three or four sizes for cities.
The smallest (villages, of sizes 1 to 4) could
have only 5 squares. The numbers and shapes are
just for illustration.
  X X X

Civ 3 does it this way (I'm talking about culture, the actual max radius
is the minimum between the usual civ radius and culture):
 X X X
 X C X
 X X X

Yes, in a manner of speaking.

Medium size cities (small towns, of sizes 4 to 10)
could have 12 squares.

    X X
  X X X X
  X X X X
    X X

Again for civ 3 (we now get the usual civ thing)

   X X X
 X X X X X
 X X C X X
 X X X X X
   X X X

Again yes, more or less.

The difference between this and the previous pictures is that this one has an appropriate length in both directions, so the city can sit at the very center of the area.

This doesn't look ok.

Larger cities (let's call them cities, of sizes
11 to 18) could have 21 squares.
   X X X
 X X X X X
 X X X X X
 X X X X X
   X X X

I don't really remember, but I think civ 3 does:

   X X X X X
 X X X X X X X
 X X X X X X X
 X X X C X X X
 X X X X X X X
 X X X X X X X
   X X X X X

No, that's not the shape (though it's close). But I think you're glossing over the point.

In Civ3, cities always cover the same area - the same one FreeCiv uses, drawing #2 from up above, a circle of radius 2.5. But there is the additional restriction that only area within your borders is workable, and the distance to the borders depends on culture. I have not checked explicitly, but I'm pretty sure the border sizes are all circles too - of radius 1.5, 2.5, and probably increasing a single unit thereafter.

Things are a little bit more complicated than this, because tiles just outside of two different cities' borders are sometimes included in the collective nation's territory.

The largest cities (metropolis, of size 19 and
above) could have 40 squares.
   X X X X
   X X X X
 X X X X X X
 X X X X X X
 X X X X X X
 X X X X X X
   X X X X
   X X X X

This is also not ok.

The city dialog certainly needs adjustments
to reflect these changes.

AFAIK there was a consensus that such a feature would be nice and

This would indeed be great.

I agree it would be nice to have support for such things. But I don't think you'll ever come up with a balanced ruleset that uses them.

I do think you're going about it the wrong way: you should think not in terms of the specific shape that the city area takes, but instead make the shape a circle and just use the radius. The same concept could apply to units' vision areas, which are also circles.


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