Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] libadvkdegames (was qt)

[Freeciv-Dev] libadvkdegames (was qt)

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To: freeciv development list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>, KDE games development <kde-games-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] libadvkdegames (was qt)
From: Gregor Zeitlinger <zeitling@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2001 18:23:54 +0100 (MET)
Reply-to: gregor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

On Thu, 27 Dec 2001, Neil Stevens wrote:
> On Wednesday December 26, 2001 03:15, Vasco Alexandre Da Silva Costa wrote:
> > If you do want to make a QT client port, IMHO you should make it for KDE
> > and dispel any other porting considerations you may have.
> Plus there are multiple KDE developers who would be more than happy to 
> help. :-)
Interesting: That's something I was thinking of as well. Maybe this would
be a good idea for freeciv 2. I was looking into kde games development a
little bit. Boson was one of the projects that attracted my attention. It
is a mulitiplayer, client-server archtecture and has maps and units, too.
That fact that it's real-time shouldn't matter too much. The web page was
over a year old, though the KDE news tells me that the developers are
still active...
Anyways, since both projects (and possibly much more) have such a broad
base in common, it might be worth developing a library for it (maybe on
top of anther one like ACE?) The server part should be independent from
the Qt GUI (that's what the Boson developers wanted as well), the client
can be Qt, I think. I hope the Boson develpers are on this list...

The hope is to make development of complex games easier and to get more
people to the common code. Maybe this is also the way to bring back
FreecivAC and the like back to Civ. The best we can hope for, IMHO, is the
get freeciv into standard KDE distributions thus reaching a much broader
audience. If combined with the GGZ (gnu gaming zone), it should make for a
nice replacement for MS gaming zone and the like....

Gregor Zeitlinger      

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