Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: December 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Code commentary proposal (by A. Sutton)

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Code commentary proposal (by A. Sutton)

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To: Petr Baudis <pasky@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Freeciv development list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Code commentary proposal (by A. Sutton)
From: Andrew Sutton <ansutton@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 12:19:00 -0500

On Monday 03 December 2001 12:04 pm, Petr Baudis wrote:
> you wrote that in your document. i don't see what do you react to.

what do you mean?

> how do you like the kernel-doc? you did reply to my mail, but didn't
> respond the main question of it :-).

hmmm... doxygen's pretty standard and gets alot of usage. it's also really, 
really flexible. xml (docbook?) support is forthcoming. it also integrates 
nice features like inheritance graphing, collaboration graphs, dependency 
graphs (header files), etc.

it's always been my preference for documenting large projects.


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