Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] business letter from Beijing, China

[Freeciv-Dev] business letter from Beijing, China

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To: "" <remove-isp-tech@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] business letter from Beijing, China
From: t-f004 <t-f002@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed,13 °ËÔÂ 2001 17:50:36 +0800
Reply-to: t-f004 <xiuyuan@xxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Sir or Madam,
    This is a business letter from Beijing,China.I am apologetic if I disturb 
    Credit Inquiry & Information will help all kinds of industry and commerce 
to make a successful deal with customer or partner.There are some sort of 
credit inquiry,they are: 
1/Consul or trade liaison man in any country; 
2/Chamber of Commerce or Bank;
3/Business Directory;
4/Commercial Enquiry Office.
    T&F,Commercial Enquiry Office,is providing all kinds of information about 
anyone trade and industry company in China. They are: registration of 
corporation, history of corporation, background of the legal person, financial 
statement, relations of banking, leading products, condition of manufacturing 
abilities and equipment, management of trademark as well as affiliates, and so 
    T&F keeps in close contact and builds many co-operation relations with a 
lot of governments in China for ages,such as the Trade & Industry 
Administration Department of China,  Statistics Bureau, China national Economy 
Information Centre etc.There are many specialists of business economists, and 
investigating and administrative staffs constitute a special and all-round 
investigation channels by us. Believe me! 
   T&F will be provides a piece of accurate and credible investigation data, 
which you want about achieving nation-wide and comprehensive reference report 
forever!Please visit our Webster,write or e-mail to 
T&F promptly,if you are interested.And T&F shall be pleased to render you any 
further services.
Address: No.210, Building 2, Party School of Beijing Municipal Government 

          No.6 Chegongzhuang Street,Xicheng District,

          Beijing, China.

Postal Code:100044

Fax: 86-10-6800-1452

Tel: 86-10-6800-1452



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