Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: June 2001:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: un

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: un

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: un
From: alan.schmitt@xxxxxxxx (Alan Schmitt)
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 21:12:41 +0200

<insert here a rant about how nice it is to have some international
media like internet, with a language spoken by many people, like
English, just to see it spoiled by stupid remarks. I'm French too, and
not proud of it today, having seen this message. Anyway, here is a
translation in English>


I write in French because it will make you practice your translation
skills a bit. It's not that I don't speak English, but I find it a
pain in the ass to translate.
What is needed to make the game better is clearer instructions.
The interface of the game is very simplified. Couldn't be possible to
change the way to install and start a game [note from me: I'm not sure
it's the correct meaning ...]. The need to run two files and to go
from one application to another is very unconvenient. It would be nice
to have a window with the game configuration.

As concerns the site, I cannot stop remarking that the webmaster
should translate his site to French.


Good day to you all,

Alan Schmitt

>j'écris en français car cela vous obligera à traduire un peu. Ce n'est pas que 
>je ne sais pas parler anglais mais ce que je n'aime pas me faire chier à 
>Ce qui faudrait faire pour ameliorer ce jeu c'est que les explicatiobs soient 
>L'interface du jeu est très simplifiée. On ne pourrait pas changer la manière 
>d'installer et de débuter une partie. Le fait de devoir activer deux fichiers 
>et de jongler sur deux applications est très peu pratique. On pourrait avoir 
>une fenetre comportant la configurations du jeu. 
>Pour le site je ne rappelerais jamais assez que le webmaster doit traduire son 
>site en français. 

The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen.

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