[Freeciv-Dev] [RFC] New event handling
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These are our ideas for the new event handling.
The following data is required by a client which is used by a human:
- the localized format string
- int arguments
- string arguments
* strings which maybe modified (city names, player names)
[maybe translated or not, e.g. city names possibly will get
translatable by client option]
* strings which stay equal and are translatable (names from the ruleset)
A non human client needs:
- a non-ambiguous way to identify a certain message
- the category of this message; the categories should be organized
- int arguments
- string arguments
There are certain ways to sent this data to the client. We (Dirk and
Raimar) came to the following conclusions:
- the server sends the untranslated (english) format string; the
client will translate the string using gettext() to get the
localized format string
- int arguments aren't a problem
- strings which are changable: the server sends the type (city, player),
the verbatim name and the id of the city or player (the id is
required for the non-human client)
- strings which stay unchanged: the server sends the type (unit,
government, improvement,...) and the id; the client will lookup the
string (using "find_*(id)->name") and translate it with gettext()
- the non-ambiguous way of identification is the untranslated format
- the hierarchical category will be coded into an integer
Server side
The call would change from:
notify_player_ex(pplayer, punit->x, punit->y, E_NOEVENT,
_("Game: %s unit has no moves left to add to %s."),
unit_name, pcity->name);
to (slightly changed to be more salutary)
notify_player_ex_new(pplayer, punit->x, punit->y,
N_("Game: %s unit has no moves left to add to %s."),
So the event type will be exchanged with a call to
make_category(). The format string is unchanged. All arguments will
have to be wrapped in this AT_* (ArgumentType) macros. There will be:
The macros will expand to a magic number, the type (roughly same as
the AT_* macros) and the argument. Using the magic number it can be
ensured that every argument has a proper type attached.
To get the number of arguments the format string has to be searched
for '%' format identifiers (excluding %%).
Basically the arguments to the above method after expanding the AT_*
macros get transfered. For city and player names also the name is
transfered verbatim. The packet will be of variable length and the
strings will not use a static length. An extra serial field will be
/* This is a bit of pseudo-code, as the message itself cannot be
expressed as c-structure and mostly consists of variable length
char field. Text length is determined by zero-char. */
struct packet_new_generic_message {
int x,y;
int message_id; /* created by make_category */
char numargs;
char[numargs] argtype; /* from AT_xxx() macro */
char[...] format string;
depending on argtype for each arg:
a) int data /* id or value, most often used */
b) int id; char[...] data; /* city names, player names */
[ c) char[...] data; /* we don't know any type requiring this! */]
The client will prepare the arguments, retrieve the localized format
string and will vsnprintf it. There has to be some va_list magic.
The category will be used to decide if and where to display the
message. The ai will use the category to select a broad set of
messages or the format string to pinpoint one:
/* or */
if(strcmp(format_str,"Your city %s grows to size %d.")==0)
Using the format-string should be necessary in very rare cases only
(or the category system must be redesigned).
Help with the category design is welcome (AI designers, this is your task)!
Raimar & Dirk
email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Heuer's Law: Any feature is a bug unless it can be turned off."
- [Freeciv-Dev] [RFC] New event handling,
Raimar Falke <=
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Reinier Post, 2001/01/23
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Dirk Stoecker, 2001/01/23
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Raimar Falke, 2001/01/23
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Reinier Post, 2001/01/26
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Dirk Stoecker, 2001/01/26
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Raimar Falke, 2001/01/26
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Reinier Post, 2001/01/28
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Raimar Falke, 2001/01/28
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Andrew McGuinness, 2001/01/27
- [Freeciv-Dev] Re: [RFC] New event handling, Reinier Post, 2001/01/28