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[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Different Texan Ruleset

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Different Texan Ruleset

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Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: Different Texan Ruleset
From: Jake Kesinger <kesinger@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 16:22:23 -0500 (CDT)

On Tue, 1 Aug 2000, Reed Meyer wrote:
> (This should be in [Freeciv-Data] probably)
Probably, but I'm not currenlty subscribed there.  I didn't even
realize it existed until recently.
> >The author of the fascism patch included a Texan ruleset; I've been 
> >working on one too, and I think mine's a little better. :-)
> >   Leaders (he used J.D. Henderson, Richards, and Bush; I used
> >     Stephen F. Austin, Ma Ferguson, and Lyndon B. Johnson.
> Why not Bush?  He'll probably be elected the next President...
> (Also, I considered Austin, but he was never actually PRESIDENT (or
> Governor) of Texas, so I didn't want to include him.)

Because LBJ actually *was* President (of the US, admittedly) and a 
Texas senator for a whole bunch of years.  

Austin, while never actually President or Governor, founded the original 
American colony back when Texas still belonged to Mexico.  I'd therefore
pick him over the other choice of Henderson, who served a short time
as Texas' first Governor under statehood. 

> > Jake ``in my copius spare time, I'm working on a CSA ruleset'' K.
> Don't bother.  The CSA would only be shot down by the Americans on this
> mailing list who find it offensive.

I'd like to get some opinions from the rest of the Americans on this list 
(and everybody, for that matter). 

I suspect the main thing people would find offensive is slavery, but
that's one of those relative atrocities things again. (And how many
of the nations currently *never* had slavery?)

If you're referring to the fact that the CSA was once, and is again,
part of the USA, then Texas has the same problem (formerly Mexico, now

Personally, I'm an American of Northern persuasion (born&raised in
Washington state), and don't find the CSA offensive.

> >[nation_american]
> >
> >name=_("American")
> >plural=_("?plural:Americans")
> You need to change these from american to texan.

Whoops!  Fixed in the attached ruleset.
> > city_style = "European"
> This might be a minor point, but why not make this "Classical"?  When you
> think of Texan plantations, that's closer to a "Classical" type of
> architecture, probably...

Because I don't think of plantations when I think of Texas.  Maybe it's 
because I live in West Texas instead of East, but when I think of Texas I 
think of oil wells and ranching, neither of which have much classical 
about them.  

Plantations belong more to the states east of Texas, IMHO, like
Louisiana and (even more so) Mississippi.

A CSA nation, OTOH, should be Classical.  


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