[Freeciv-Dev] Re: Land Reclamation
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At 2000/04/06 12:20 , Cameron Morland wrote:
>On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Jeff Mallatt wrote:
>> >> My next step is to check for harbours and platforms. They will be
sold if
>> >> a city becomes landlocked.
>> >Ok, this is done, though I think it's not implemented in a very good way.
>> >The result is landlocked.diff
>> The attached patch merges the above three patches, and does:
>Oh good, that all looks much better.
>Wouldn't it be clearer if you didn't spell "reclaim" as "recalim" in all
>the code? :)
>+ terrain_control.ocean_recalim_requirement = p->ocean_recalim_requirement;
<blush> Isn't cut-and-paste wonderful when combined with clumsiness?