Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: January 2000:
[Freeciv-Dev] Freeciv Salvage Option

[Freeciv-Dev] Freeciv Salvage Option

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Freeciv Salvage Option
From: Kapuncska@xxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 04:57:07 EST

Let there be a salvage/steal tech option for destroyed/bribed units.

Whenever say a plane would crash attacking your city or anywhere else, you 
could send out an engineer/spy/or someone like that to shift throught the 
remains. Depending on experiance and luck the unit can find out a little 
about technologies that went into the square (press salvage and stayed for a 
couple turns) and a bonus would be added to that tech when you later try to 
research it.

Maybe if the unit was within a city radius there could be a shields bonus for 
a few turns to simulate recovery of metals/materials.

If you like the idea, you could also have a Scuba unit that could go out in a 
transport and attempt a recovery of something lost at sea. This would 
obviously have lower rates of recovery cost more turns, but if a sunk sub was 
carrying 3 nuclear missiles...
The materials recovery just wouldn't work when you killed a 
spy/engineer/anything less than a vehicle. You'd have to tell it what units 
to count and how to figure the amount of shields. You could still get a sci 
boost from those though because they would in real life be carrying 
tools/equipment/weapons whatever.

Also maybe any bribed units could offer help to your researchers by showing 
operation of their machinery etc.

Realistic aspect

Any Civ that has the chance to see some new unit at work/attacking them is 
very likely to be able gain some helpful knowledge if it isn't too above 
their heads i.e. wheels and if the destroyed cart is just lying there to be 
tinkered with there's no way it wouldn't help the scientists on their way to 
that advance.


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