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Re : [Freeciv-Dev] Revised opinion: 1.8.0pre2

Re : [Freeciv-Dev] Revised opinion: 1.8.0pre2

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re : [Freeciv-Dev] Revised opinion: 1.8.0pre2
From: a_beraud@xxxxxxxx (Alexandre BERAUD)
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 09:33:00 +0100 (MET)
Reply-to: a_beraud@xxxxxxxx

Hi all,

Martin wrote:

>  As you may or may not recall I sent a post about a week ago. My
>biggest complaint about the game was the mediocre graphics. With the new
>tiles this has been mostly taken care of. The new graphics are not
>particularly impressive, but nor do they need to be. They are so iconic
>that they can be easily recognised (which is more than can be said of my
>first encounter with CivII), yet so "realistic" that they are pleasant
>to the eye.

I agree. This "cartoon" outlook gives the game a different dimention.

>  Tiles near the ocean, however, should not be so square. To tell you
>the truth it looks stupid.

Maybe curious, but never stupid !

>  The help function is very complete and informing, but I would have
>liked historic background and pictures of wonders, description of units
>and city improvements (not just raw data). This adds to the feeling of
>completeness in the game, I think, and I would love to contribute,
>should you wish to include such descriptions. Drop me a line
>guaranteeing it will be included, and I'll get on it tonight. Could such
>a feature make the 1.8.0 distribution, do you think?

Good idea, but this is more an embedding than a real advance for the
game. I think this is why it has not been implemented, yet.

>  One thing I really miss is combat animations. Just something simple
>like e.g. in CivI that makes sure that I notice that my units are
>attacked. It's so anti-climatic to have your armour unit roll
>dramatically across the land, and when you finally get to kill someone
>nothing more happens than a line in the message box telling you who won.

I noticed it, too. But CivII animations were really reduced, too. The
only advantage was that you were focused for about 2 seconds on the
fight. This problem is really ennoying with huts containing barbarians.
It seems that there is absolutely no fight at all, but your unit is
simply erased from the game. And there is only a small message getting
you aware of the tragedy :o)

>That's such a turn-off. It would also be nice with sound, maybe as an
>optional extra. Nothing like the roaring guns of a battleship. Maybe Sid
>will let you use his. :-) In any case, it would be a valuable addition
>to the "excitement" or "tension" in combat situations if combat in some
>way is prolonged.

Not really important, I think. Moreover, sounds are much more
difficult to do than gfx.

>That could be like in CivII where you see each
>semi-battle being fought: you can follow combat as it develops, and this
>excitement is an emotional response that really brings the player closer
>to the game. Provoking emotions is a very important part of captivating
>the player, especially in situations where you'd expect a lot of tension
>or otherwise, combat being a great example.

Approved ! I must admit I don't find as much pleasure playing Freeciv
as I had playing CivI/CivII. Because it is really difficult to win (in
my case it has been impossible till now) and you must play Freeciv like
a Beat'em All. You have to expand like crazy, not take time to explore
quietly, only crunch your ennemy and make points.
CivI on Atari ST made me dream...

>  How about including server commands such as "expose map", "remove
>unit", "remove city" and so on? The question is really if we want an
>omnipotent god in the game.

Hmmm, this is no MUD, I repeat. But it wouldn't be a bad thing.

>  I REALLY miss diplomacy. It must be really hard... but then, what do I
>know about programming AIs?

Oh yes, another thing that lacks a lot and that would be really
exciting to code. Please, you who code like gods, do something !!! :o)

In my opinion, Freeciv is too difficult ! In easy mode, and doing all
I can do to rule the seas quickly, I was crunched. The problem is (open
your ears !): the AIs get knowledges too fast !!!!!!!!!!
In easy mode, just make sure that they get knowledges half as fast as
they do today. I am sure it would make the game really easier !!!


Alexandre BERAUD

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