Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] xpm, gif, png & map view!

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] xpm, gif, png & map view!

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] xpm, gif, png & map view!
From: Markus Linnala <maage@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 08 Mar 1999 23:01:38 +0200
Reply-to: Markus Linnala <maage@xxxxxxxxx>

Matt Busigin <jediknight@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Lalo Martins wrote:
> #Not really. You  would  then have   to  write a separate program   to
> #generate   these   files. gzip/gunzip  are  better    in  this aspect
> #(easy to generate).
> Nonono - use library calls to produce/uncompress GNU zipped files.

Here's patch to add imlib support and support for libz.

Support for imlib means it can load arbitrary image format and
render it suitable for your display without too much problems

Support for libz means it can save and load compressed (gzip)
savegames and load compressed (gzip) XPM:s.

- to load compressed savegame: success with libz, as files are
  gzip compressed you can uncompress them with gzip for example:
  'gzip -d civgame-3700.sav.gz' and so you get success without
  libz with user interaction required
- to load uncompressed savegame: success with or without libz,
  no user interaction required
- to save compressed savegame: success with libz, as you can
  compress them later with gzip, success without libz user
  interaction required
- to save uncompressed savegame: success without libz, as you
  can uncompress files with gzip, success with user interaction

It tries to load uncompressed files first and if they don't
exist then it loads compressed ones.

This patch is not release ready. It is just slightly tested on
one system. You might not be able to build freeciv with it. But
I encourage you to try if you have decent system with most
recent automake, autoconf, libtool libpng and libz installed. I
think I removed all my other local modifications, but I'm not
sure. (cvs was down atm.)

If you have questions about imlib or libz, please consult their

The Rasterman <raster@xxxxxxxxxx> told me XPM fileformat
supports only 256 colours and more than that means programs
might not support or support is inefficient. Anyone have full
XPM documentation to verify this.


Attachment: imlib_z.diff
Description: Text document

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