Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] xpm, gif, png & map view!

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] xpm, gif, png & map view!

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] xpm, gif, png & map view!
From: Lalo Martins <lalo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 03:29:58 -0300

On Mar 07, Matt Busigin decided to present us with:
> On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Nicolas Brunel wrote:
> #> XPM also is the UNIX/X standard.  There are many ways of compressing them.
> #
> #We can gzip the xpm files and gunzip them when loading xpm files as
> #nethack is doing for the save files.
> Which is the easiest way.  Or we could code our own simple compression
> algorithms.  Or we could use Zlib.  IMHO, compressing XPMs using *library*
> GNU zip/zlib calls would be The Right Thing To Do (tm).

Not really. You would then have to write a separate program to
generate these files. gzip/gunzip are better in this aspect
(easy to generate).

      I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
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