Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: March 1999:
Re: Re : [Freeciv-Dev] AI (was: Beta 1.8.0)

Re: Re : [Freeciv-Dev] AI (was: Beta 1.8.0)

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Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re : [Freeciv-Dev] AI (was: Beta 1.8.0)
From: Matt Busigin <jediknight@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 14:21:17 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Daniel Burrows wrote:

#  I actually don't think so.  The problem is omniscence.  The AI isn't just
#getting a tech/etc boost (like in lots of other games), it's playing an
#entirely different game.  For example, it generally expands twice as fast
#as me because I have to explore regions--often encountering dead ends,
#exploring areas where a city wouldn't work, etc--while it can just
#decide on the best spot for a city and stick one there.  Same for
#exploring the seas; it doesn't have to blunder around trying to find islands,
#it just goes straight to the best one.  Plus, I have to heavily guard all my
#cities since it knows where they are.  So it ends up expanding twice as fast
#as me, and therefore gets twice as much science as I do.

The whole trick is to create ships before he does, and dominate the seas so
he cannot expand.  This strategy works remarkably well, because all of the
sudden you now have access to the whole map, and he's stuck on his pitiful

I agree, though - for blithering newbies, those from RipoffCiv who aren't
expecting such a barbaric AI, and those who havn't played any Civ much at


Matt Busigin [Perl/Tcl/Sh/C/C++/Lex/Yacc/HTML UNIX Programmer] 
      Member of Geeks Anonymous -
      e-mail : spod(at), jediknight(at)
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