[Freeciv-Dev] Wonder Tiles (at last !) :o)
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At last, here are the Wonder Tiles. They have been ready for many days
but I had exams :o{ and no time to send them.
Well, I am a little anxious because I don't know how you'll all find
them. Please, take a look at them, magnify them to discover every little
errors (there can't be any !!!!!! :o)) and mail me whatever you discovered.
Another thing: some of them are really difficult to represent (like Cure for
Cancer) and if you have a better idea for representing them, tell me and I'll
re-draw it.
For Martin Hansen:
I've done all of them with The GIMP. No scan, all by memory. I think they
should have a cartoon-looking and not a photo-realistic looking.
For everyone:
Well... Hem... I'm confused but... Can someone tell me how I can convert
plenty-of-colors XPM file to a 256-colors XPM file ? (I succeded in converting
it using Xpaint but it ruins the transparent background...)
Bye all.
Alexandre BERAUD
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- [Freeciv-Dev] Wonder Tiles (at last !) :o),
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