Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 1999:
Re:[Freeciv-Dev] XawXpm

Re:[Freeciv-Dev] XawXpm

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re:[Freeciv-Dev] XawXpm
From: Daniel Gudlat <gudlat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 10:26:14 +0100 (MET)

Hello FreeCiv team,
> I was about to download  XawXpm and do the port FreeCiv to it
> (probably it would only be a matter of recompiling), but I
> noticed two things:
> 1: it's 1.1Mb, so it may be inconvenient, thoughts?
> 2: it was last updated in 96 according to the webpage, metalab
> and lsm. So if there is any problem, perhaps someone will have
> to maintain it.
> 3: I thought it was a new thing. If it's around since 96 and
> nobody noticed it, perhaps it isn't as cool as we thought? Or
> maybe mr. Buxton just didn't do much advertising?

XawXpm looks very much abandoned to me: no discernible activity for more
than a year... So that probably means we'd have to find a maintainer for
it. But in view of point 3 above, I'm rather cautious about adopting
something that has been around for as long as that, and no-one has ever
heard of it...
Since no-one knows about it, we'd have to distribute in addition to
FreeCiv, so the arguments that applied to not having GTK+ in FreeCiv
standard distributions have an even stronger point here. And besides, as
I understand it, XawXpm needs good looking xpm's to look really good,
which brings us back to the graphics problem, which is big enough in
FreeCiv as it is.

In short: I'm rather against this...

Daniel "Gudy" Gudlat                (mailto:gudlat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
ICQ-UIN: 5258903               (
"Let us do the undoable, let us think the unthinkable.  Let us prepare to
grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all!"

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