Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 1999:
Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Warning Could not process....

Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Warning Could not process....

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To: Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Freeciv-Dev] Warning Could not process....
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 23:49:32 -0600

On Tue, Feb 02, 1999 at 05:43:37PM -0500, Daniel Burrows wrote:

> > Yes, the list archives have the same problem.
>   Is it also possible that it's his email client?  I've seen this behavior
> when sending PGP-signed messages to people with old/broken mailreaders.

Well, yes and no.  The multipart/signed is not defined in the RFC for MIME,
so mhonarc is within its rights to not understand how to process it.  On the
other hand, it is defined in other lesser-known RFCs, so mutt is arguably
within its rights to generate it.

>   (I just sent a suggestion to him that he change clients, so now I'm 
> wondering
>    if I was entirely off the mark)

You're both correct :-)

I believe that a newer mhonarc may fix this; I've already sent out inquiries
and may have someting in a day or two.

In the mean time, note that you can ask the list server for text-based
archives.  Write to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx and say:

index freeciv


index freeciv-dev

in the body of your message.

It will then give you a list.  You can then say something like:

get freeciv-dev freeciv-dev.199902

By return e-mail, you'll get the archives for the month you asked for, in
Unix mbox format.  (Hint: save to a file in the mail directory, and your
mail client will treat it as a normal folder!  They're also viewable by any
text editor.)


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