RE: [aclug-L] Gnome
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On Wed, 26 May 1999, jg wrote:
> I had talked to the librarian at the central branch on main street about
> getting more books on linux . They claimed they already had some. But if
> you look close, the books are either out dated, stolen, or checked out
> (and not to many to begin with). I explained the library can order $1.99
> cdroms of the OS and it is legal to copy them. They were totally unaware.
> People are welcomed to make book requests and make book donations.
For books that are checked out, put a "hold" on them. Then when the book
comes in, you get a phone call (from a computer) that tells you that the
book is in and being held for you to pick up. It only costs a quarter and
you can do it through their computer system. (If you become a Gold Friend
of the Library, you get holds for free and a three-day grace period on
late books. It's not "worth" it in money, but it's handy and supports a
good cause.)
But I do agree with "outdated". The Library has a difficult time keeping
up on computer technology books. Their money is really better invested in
books that won't be useless in less than a couple years.
Carl (raven@xxxxxxxxxxx)