Re: [aclug-L] Phi Samba Jamma
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On Tue, 24 Nov 1998, Carl B. Davis wrote:
> Hi,
> - Is there a "debug" sort of thing that will let me walk
> through the initialization slowly so I can see what is working and make
> a note before it moves on?
You can hit ^S to pause the output (if you're quick enough),
then ^Q to restart. There's also the 'dmesg' command. You can also
go into the scripts in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ and put in 'echo stuff' in
them to tell you what's going on. Basically, init grabs all the files
that start with S in that directory and runs them in numerical order
(S10, S20, S35, etc).
> - It appears like I'm not getting Samba to run at all since
> I get all these command not found messages. Is that right? What can I
> do about it. I have edited the smb.conf file, but only to personalize
> some of the settings, and I followed the HowTo's, etc. It has been
> returning these errors since I installed it with Samba.
`rpm -qa | grep samba`
`rpm -qil samba` (or whatever the package name is)
`which samba`
look in the init scripts and see if they match up
> * When I run Ping from Windows, it defaults to my modem and doesn't
> seem to try and send it out over the network. What is the proper way to
> ping over a network from a Windows 95 computer?
You should be able to configure it to say 'network' instead of
'modem', but the last time I used win95 was ... oh, a long time ago.
> Thanks for any suggestions or help.
Jeff Schaller, UNIX System Administrator, Learjet Inc.
Phone: 316 946-7255, Fax: 316 946-2809
The above thoughts are mine and are not representative of Learjet.
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