Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: September 1998:
[aclug-L] question

[aclug-L] question

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To: aclug-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] question
From: Wesley Simon <wsimon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 09:40:23 -0500
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Does anyone know the syntax for a fancy tr command that I can put into a
makefile so that it will strip the carriage return (^M) off each .c and
.h file in a directory?  I used to have such a makefile, but I seem to
have lost it during my last install.  If not, does anyone know a simple
way of doing it?  I have about 30 files in a single directory.  I did
several via command-line with "mv file.txt file.bak; tr -d '\r' <
file.bak > file.txt", but that got a little tedious.  I'm doing some
porting of some C programs and plan on doing this quite regularly, so I
don't want to manually do it each time.  Any suggestions would be
helpful.  I'm sure a 2 or 3 line perl script would do it too, but I'm
not that familiar with perl at this point.  I would rather spend time
working on the actual C code.

Something else that has been on my mind:

I'm not aware of anyone's position on cracks, hacks and warez, but I
believe that in order to mature, the group should adopt some
zero-tolerance attitudes of such behavior.  I used to think it was cool,
but then one day I was browsing the web and found something I wrote. 
Some guy had taken every reference to me off it and made it his own.  He
was taking credit for something that I spent precious time creating.  It
doesn't feel very good when you discover that someone has stolen your
pet project.  Even though it was freeware, I didn't like it.  People
just like you and I are trying to help the Linux community along.  I
believe that it would be undermining the Linux movement to bite the hand
that feeds us, even if it is large companies like Corel or small
companies like 4 front technologies.  As a group we can't stop it, but
we can prevent the meeting and the mailing list from participating.

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