Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: activities: February 2002:
[activities] Re: What kind of activities do we want to do?

[activities] Re: What kind of activities do we want to do?

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To: activities@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [activities] Re: What kind of activities do we want to do?
From: Anne McCadden <amccadden@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 23:17:08 -0600
Reply-to: activities@xxxxxxxxx

Thank you Michael, "Show and Tale"  sounds like a fun idea.  I like
hearing about events that were fun and successful.  I will see what
resouces I can find to make this happen.  If you would like to help with
the planning and details, I would appreciate the help.  ttyl~Anne

Michael Moore wrote:
> Anne McCadden wrote:
> >I am open to any and all reasonable suggestions.  I want workshops to
> >interesting, educational, and fun.  Maybe we should setting for
> >interesting and fun.  I still like Stephens idea of a Hardware Arnechy
> >Fest (ok I was a science major, not an english major).  We could bring
> >in hardware that isn't working up to par and see what another set of
> >eyes and a couple of brain cells can do to get the hardware working.
> >
> >Tom came into the shop today and I helped him with his hardware
> >challenge.  Unfortunately I had to tell him what he didn't want to hear
> >and he had to wait for a while (sorry about that Tom), but he recieved
> >my diagnosis of the computer's ailment.  Unfortunately the mobo died
> >from blown caps and the injury was fatal.  He bought a new mobo and
> >cel-950 cpu on sale for $148.  ~Anne
> >
> We could try a hardware/software meeting like you said.  Newton's LUG
> had one Wednesday night and it was fun.
> I guess we could try a "Show and Tale" day:
> 1)  Show/tell about some need trick or something you found that's useful
> in Linux and that others might not know about.
> 2)  Show off how you got a certain piece of hardware working with Linux.
> 3)  etc......It could be about anything to do with Linux.
> If it is something you might be interested in doing then you could send
> out an email to see how many people have something they want to share.
> Also, we should probably see if we can find somewhere to meet that is
> accessible to our cars.  If some people wanted to show off some of their
> things on their computer it would be a pain to have to haul it WSU
> Jabara Hall room 261.  Hopefully, somewhere with internet access.
> Oh yes, and we must order pizza.   :-)
> ~Mike
> >
> >Dale W Hodge wrote:
> >
> >>What kind of activities do we want to do?
> >>
> >>In the past, Aclug has tried:
> >>
> >>A BBQ - with a so-so turnout.
> >>
> >>A New User Day - a complete bust, as there were more staff than new users.
> >>
> >>Install Fests - These usually work, but are often unorganized.
> >>
> >>NetWorkshops - #1 was excellent, #2 was just okay.
> >>
> >>Pizza Parties / Socials - These are liked by some, despised? by others.
> >>
> >>Saturday Sale / Demo Days - These worked okay at first, but quickly became
> >>uninteresting to both the staff and the visitors.
> >>
> >>So which do we try again, and how might we make them better?
> >>
> >>--dwh
> >>
> >>---
> >>Dale W Hodge - dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >>Secretary - info@xxxxxxxxx
> >>Air Capital Linux User's Group  (ACLUG)
> >>---
> >>
> >
> >

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