[webdev] Re: State of Website
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I just wrote a long response to this, had my webmail
session time out, and lost the whole thing. So this
is the real short version.
> From: "Jonathan Hall" <flimzy@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 2002/09/27 Fri PM 11:43:01 EDT
> To: webdev@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [webdev] Re: State of Website
> Lets begin development from scratch with VisualBasic
> and ASP.
> By the time we give up on this, maybe PostNuke will
> be working :)
> Failing that... Why did the group choose to move
> away from OpenACS? Was it defficient, or was
> PostNuke just "cooler" somehow?
The short answer is that I felt that I wasn't getting
enough support for my approach (using OpenACS, building
a help-oriented knowledgebase -- cf. the vision statement
on the website) and wasn't able to put enough time into
the project to force it to happen, so I decided to let
Dale have a crack at it. When we polled people, Dale and
Jeff Vian favored PostNuke; James Violette was neutral;
and that's about it (well, Clint favored Zope).
Since then I've dropped the ball, and Dale has followed
the PostNuke travails as noted in his email.
> And not to re-open an old can of worms... but why was
> Zope chosen against?
I was looking to do tool development, and I didn't like
Zope's architecture and development model. If someone
wants to champion Zope, please state your case.
> And are there any other new-on-the-scene packages
> that would be worth considering?
I'm working on one, but it isn't anywhere near ready.
It will be apache-php-postgresql based. I'm looking at
dozens of packages, but mostly for ideas and plunder.
> -- Jonathan