Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: webdev: July 2002:
[webdev] news, polls, classifieds, etc.

[webdev] news, polls, classifieds, etc.

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To: webdev@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [webdev] news, polls, classifieds, etc.
From: Tom Hull <thull2@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 16:16:57 -0500
Reply-to: webdev@xxxxxxxxx

I've checked in some changes to the website:

   * The "News" block now posts up to 10 active news items on
     the home page. I added a news item that points to Dale's
     PostNuke-based ACLUG website prototype, and also noted it
     at the bottom of the page.

   * I've added a "Polls" block in the right column, as well as
     a Polls link under "What's Inside". I defined a poll for
     "ACLUG Website Toolkit". If anything else should be listed
     as a candidate, please write me or webmaster. I defined
     this as a registered user only poll.

   * I added a "Classifieds" link to "What's Inside." The
     classifieds system has a two-level hierarchy under it:
     "domains" and "categories". Domain can be used any old
     way -- mostly it allows separate administrators for each
     domain. I created a domain "Stuff for Sale", and several
     categories under it (Books, Computers, Hardware, Other).
     I submitted two classified ads.

   * I got rid of the dog picture under News. There are a
     bunch of links in the default code to pictures;
     in this case I got rid of the whole decoration thing.

   * I changed a bunch of default administration policies
     from "closed" or "wait" to "open". This should make it
     much easier (more instant self-gratification) for users
     to push some info onto the website.

Once again, please try this out, comment, make suggestions.

  *  Tom Hull * thull2 at *

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