[webdev] Other Content Management Systems (CMS)
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At last Monday's meeting, I mentioned a couple other CMS's that can be used
instead of OpenACS. Those are Php-Nuke www.phpnuke.org and PostNuke
www.postnuke.com. Both of these are flexible, easy to manage, and easy to set up
and configure. Both are PHP based systems running against a MySql back end. They
are theme-able, with many optional modules available. PostNuke was derived from
Php-Nuke, which was derived from ThatWare. Currently, I think PostNuke has the
cleanest code and the clearest vision of where it's headed.
I recently switched two of the sites I host, www.neuralmatrix.org &
www.dnd-automotive.com over to PhpNuke. If you look at them, you can see how
different they can appear just by changing themes -- in fact, you could easily
swap the basic appearance in 30 seconds if you wanted. And that is with the
current release, the next point release will feature a new theme engine.
Overall, I think they are worth looking at for anyone who desires a content
managed site. I wonder if perhaps they may have been a better choice for Aclug's
new site.
Dale W Hodge - dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vice Chairman & Secretary - info@xxxxxxxxx
Air Capital Linux User's Group (ACLUG)
- [webdev] Other Content Management Systems (CMS),
Dale W Hodge <=