Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: webdev: July 2002:
[webdev] Re: Other Content Management Systems (CMS)

[webdev] Re: Other Content Management Systems (CMS)

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To: webdev@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [webdev] Re: Other Content Management Systems (CMS)
From: Tom Hull <thull2@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002 01:47:13 -0500
Reply-to: webdev@xxxxxxxxx

Dale W Hodge wrote:
>>if you really think PostNuke is a better way to go, let's
>>see some proof-of-concept.
> Okay, proof of concept.  Log into  I just spent 
> 30
> minutes and set up a new site. If you want admin access, just email me and 
> I'll
> set you up an account.

I tried to set up a user account, but it didn't return mail to me. Lots of
things are inaccessible without an account.

Some minor quibbles:

  * I think the minimum age 13 thing is silly. You can't validate it, so all it
    does is train kids to lie. (Easy to disable.)

  * I never found a way to edit the Modules menu. "Recommend Us" is pretty
    useless; I don't know what "AvantGo" means; in all cases the concept of
    Modules is uninteresting to mere users.

  * The "Who's Online" block is also dead weight. This isn't IRC. In fact the
    notion of being online using a stateless protocol is rather silly.

  * The "Languages" block is also dead weight (at least until you're ready to
    support Spanish or something).

Glad to see the link to the Residential Gateway article. Thanks.

> --dwh

  *  Tom Hull * thull2 at *

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