Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: July 2009:
Re: OfflineIMAP 6.1.2 release

Re: OfflineIMAP 6.1.2 release

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: OfflineIMAP 6.1.2 release
From: Tim Gray <lists+offimap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 11:47:31 -0400

On Fri 17, Jul'09 at  9:36 AM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
>> The documentation may have been unclear, but quick never worked the
>> way this patch changes it.  My installed offlineimap does one sync
>> every $autorefresh minutes, and the $quick'th one is a full sync.  All
>> the others are quick.  Now it's going to do a full sync every
>> $autorefresh minutes and a ludicrous number of $quick syncs.
> Thanks.  I've reverted 220db8a77db69c6153ac1de9ac8f014c911e6829 and
> pushed the change.

Not that it matters to me either way, but with the new fix, it works the way 
I originally thought the documentation said it would work.  It's easy to set 
it up with either behavior, but hopefully the documentation is clear on how 
it works.

So is it one refresh every t=(autorefresh) mins with n=(quick) refreshes in 
between, or a refresh every t=(autorefresh) mins with every nth=(quick) 
refresh being a full sync?

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