Re: OfflineIMAP and SmarterMail
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That's some very strange stuff happening there. Looking at around line
170 in imap-log-copy-12793, it looks like an entire message is
received, but after "use clocal", the imap library thinks it's the end
of the message, and is very confused about the rest of it.
That doesn't smell of an OfflineIMAP bug, but whether or not the bug is
in the server or may be a bit more tricky to tell. On line
35, we see:
redr: DEBUG[imap]: 45:30.12 redr < * 1 FETCH (BODY[] {5136}\r\n
The server is saying that the message is 5136 bytes.
If I take the truncated message found within 171, and run it through the
Python interpreter to convert \r and \n back to their real components,
Python tells me the length of that string is 5135. Interesting, eh?
This at least makes me considerably suspicious that the server is at
fault here. If it's sending the wrong message size, that's a pretty
serious bug.
-- John
David L. Emerson wrote:
> Alright, I am not sure why this took me more than a year, but maybe it's
> because my bash script was working just barely well enough.
> Nowadays the newer offlineimap is not crashing, but is truncating
> messages! So that kinda sucks. Unfortunately I didn't realize what was
> going on, and deleted some of the originals from the server, so now all
> I have is the local copies that are truncated. Happily, nothing
> important.
> So I've done a run of:
> offlineimap -1 -d imap -l imap-log-dle -a ab-dle
> I looked through it and found an example of bad stuff happening. Here is
> the section of the imap log where message 12793 is copied:
> I thought it might be useful to see the copied message:
> - as saved by offlineimap, in the folder ab-dle/.INBOX.FPC/cur
> - a paste of its full text, lifted from the webmail client
> And in case it's useful, here is a full log of the same session
> (password sanitized):
> Thanks!
> ~David.
> (Crossing my fingers that this is an easy fix...)
> On Thu 6 Dec 2007, John Goerzen wrote:
>> David L. Emerson wrote:
>>> Here are several imap logs, password-sanitized and tar/bz'd:
>>> I've looked at them a bit, but am really not sure what I'm looking
>>> for ... I don't really have any way of knowing whether there is a
>>> bug in offlineimap, or a bug in smartermail
>> I hate to say I forgot to tell you this, but please add -1 to
>> offlineimap when you run this. Best is to run -d imap -1 -u TTY.TTYUI
>> under script or some such. It's hard to filter through multithreaded
>> dumps.
>> -- John
> Oh ... and I didn't change the interface, seems like the logs are done
> properly with output via -l regardless of the interface.