Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: November 2007:
Re: OfflineIMAP for backups

Re: OfflineIMAP for backups

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To: Raffi Khatchadourian <khatchad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: OfflineIMAP for backups
From: Vincent Beffara <vbeffara+ml@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 14:00:04 +0100

> >I would like to create a local backup of an IMAP account. While
> >OfflineIMAP can sync just fine I am a bit worried that an accidental
> >deletion of one or more mails in the backup might destroy the original=
> >as well.
> >
> >I have not found a way to restrict OfflineIMAP to a one-way sync. Is
> >there a way? Or is there perhaps another tool which is better suited
> >for backups?
> For example, you can make a user called offlineimap. Then, have the
> offlineimap user own the maildir directory which should have octal
> permissions 755. Then, run offlineimap using the offlineimap user. That
> way, only this user is allowed to modify the contents of the maildir
> directory, therefore, the sever will never be modified due to any local
> changes. How does that sound?

... I believe that the worry is that a filesystem error on the backup=20
_could_ lead to the loss of a file (=3D a message) on the backup, and the=
OfflineIMAP would sync this disappearance back to the live mailbox.=20
There is indeed a problem then ... It would be desirable that _no_=20
possible chain of events in the backup system could possibly affect the=20
backed-up (?) system in the first place - the only way to ensure that is=20
to make the backup process purely one-way, which OfflineIMAP isn't.


Vincent Beffara
46 all=E9e d'Italie
69364 Lyon Cedex 07
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