Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: March 2006:
Re: Messages moved from /new to /cur

Re: Messages moved from /new to /cur

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To: Jon Riddle <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Messages moved from /new to /cur
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 11:39:53 -0600

On Sat, Mar 18, 2006 at 11:34:37AM -0600, Jon Riddle wrote:
> OfflineIMAP isn't directly accessing the maildir - it goes through Binc
> on both sides.  This moving of messages happens even when Mutt is not

Ahh.  in that case, this sounds like a problem with Binc.

> running.  If I deliver a message to my local Maildir, it lives in /new
> with no flags.  If I then run offlineimap (with or without Mutt

That is as it should be.

> running), that new message gets moved to /cur with an empty info string
> (":2,") appended.

Depending on your view, that could also be correct.  I guess Binc would
be doing that.  According to the Maildir spec, mail readers are supposed
to move messages to cur when they run.  Is an IMAP server a *reader*?
Well, hard to say.  It *could* be.

For OfflineIMAP's sake, it uses BODY.PEEK, which is supposed to tell the
IMAP server to not mark the message read or otherwise tweak flags in any
way.  So if Binc is doing something even when PEEK is given, it could
arguably be a bug.  But I'd say there's nothing else that OfflineIMAP
could be expected to do in this situation.

> I consider it an annoyance of Mutt that it doesn't treat Old unread
> messages like New unread messages, but that's the road the Mutt
> developers decided to follow, and there may even be an option to work
> around my issue, but I haven't found it.  My underlying concern here is
> why OfflineIMAP seems to be moving messages from /new to /cur.

Well, if OfflineIMAP is never actually accessing the Maildir, why do you
believe OfflineIMAP is doing this?  From your description, it sounds
like Binc must be.

-- John

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