Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: September 2003:
Re: [PATCH] Offlineimap and Gnus

Re: [PATCH] Offlineimap and Gnus

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To: Dan Sheridan <djs52@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Offlineimap and Gnus
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 11:05:47 -0500

On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 12:31:03PM +0100, Dan Sheridan wrote:
> So the nnmaildir backend in Gnus doesn't use proper maildir flags on
> the files. Instead, it makes a subdirectory for each flag

That is a bug in Gnus for sure.  The maildir spec mandates the use of these
flags.  I am sorta of two minds about this; relaly, this bug should be fixed
in Gnus rather than OfflineIMAP.  On the other hand, it is nice to make
OfflineIMAP work with more programs.

I have used OfflineIMAP with Gnus before, and indeed have experienced
problems with the flags.

I will put this on the todo queue for 5.0.

-- John

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