Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: June 2003:
Re: Problem with AccountHashGenerator(config)

Re: Problem with AccountHashGenerator(config)

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To: Akkana Peck <akkana@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Problem with AccountHashGenerator(config)
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 08:39:30 -0500

It sounds to me that you haven't updated your configuration file to work
with the new format.  Take a look at the file debian/changelog for details. 
Somewhere around 3.99.12, the config file changed, and you'll need to change
the config file to run it with 3.99.18.

-- John

On Tue, Jun 10, 2003 at 10:25:18PM -0700, Akkana Peck wrote:
> I just discovered offlineimap.  It does a nice job and solves a
> problem I've been wanting to solve for a long time!  
> At least, on Debian (testing) with apt-get, it does.
> But I want to read my mail on a number of different machines, not
> all of which are Debian, so I downloaded the latest 3.99.18 tarball
> to install on a Redhat 8 machine.  (Any particular reason that
> 3.99.18 calls itself 3.99.17 in the version strings?)
> But it doesn't run: it dies in init.startup, on line 108 of
> because the line:
>     allaccounts = accounts.AccountHashGenerator(config)
> returned nothing, so allaccounts is null, and when the active
> accounts are compared against it, python bombs out with a "KeyError".
> I checked the version I had running on Debian (from apt-get) and
> discovered it was only 3.99.10, but it turns out that version isn't
> available on the web site.  3.99.12 is, but it has the same problem
> 17-18 has.  So I tried copying the Debian python files over to my
> Redhat machine, and the problem went away.  (But when I ran the
> program, it didn't sync right.  I think I may be missing something
> else because I didn't go through a proper install procedure.)
> Before I dig into this any further, is this a known problem? 
> Is there a solution or a workaround?  I'm an instant offlineimap
> convert (read my mail on my laptop with mutt today, it was great :-)
> so I really want to find a way to make it work on all my machines.
> I don't mind doing some debugging, but if someone who understands
> AccountHashGenerator could help, that would be much appreciated!
>       ...Akkana

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