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Any hints for getting offlineimap to work with ximian evolution?
Its maildir support is shakey at best, but I need to use it for my work
email (MS exchange).
The basic problem is that it doesn't understand a maildir name seperator, so
it reads all my folders as (example) "Mailing Lists.blah" instead of
"Mailing Lists/blah".
I tried getting it to create recursive maildirs, and it does it by sticking
a maildir inside of a maildir. I adjusted my folder transformation thing to
change . to /, but that didn't work (nor did I expect it to). Any other
Also, I'm using courier serverside. The default inbox is name INBOX. Is
there a way to get INBOX put at the root of the maildir, instead of in a
folder called INBOX? Replacing INBOX with '' just gives me an error.
- evolution,
Bill Williamson <=