[linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help
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A short while ago Koji Hayakawa wrote:
> When upgrading RedHat (from 6.0 to 7.2), does upgrading (writing over
> existing) installation well? Or do people recommend backing up all the docs
> and do clean install?
I haven't done a RedHat upgrade in quite some time. I have been using
Debian for the past couple years which an upgrade is just an apt-get
away. Probably for such a large jump I would back up your important
files and do a fresh install. There are many new features in RH 7.2, such
as ext2, 2.4 kernel, ipchains config during the install, the fancy
graphical instaler, and the new Gnome, Ximain is very nice too.
I have installed it on my laptop to fiddle with and also on a new DNS
server and email server back up at work.
I still prefer Debain, but companies like the RedHat name. 8)
Randy Reames randy@xxxxxxxxxx www.reames.org ICQ-115274915
Web Developer Midwest Energy www.mwenergy.com Hays, KS, USA
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate
the mind on the present moment." - Buddha (c. - 483 BC)
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- [linux-help] FW: Linux help, Dale W Hodge, 2002/02/10
- [linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help, Randy Reames, 2002/02/10
- [linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help, Koji Hayakawa, 2002/02/10
- [linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help, james l, 2002/02/10
- [linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help, james l, 2002/02/13
- [linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help, james l, 2002/02/13
- [linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help, james l, 2002/02/13
- [linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help, james l, 2002/02/13
[linux-help] Re: FW: Linux help, Jeff Vian, 2002/02/13