Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: November 2001:
[linux-help] Red Hat 7.2 & Canon S450 Printer

[linux-help] Red Hat 7.2 & Canon S450 Printer

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Red Hat 7.2 & Canon S450 Printer
From: Michael Moore <mrmoore@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 20:32:58 -0600
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

New to Linux.  I resently installed Red Hat 7.2.  Then installation went 
well; except, my printer doesn't work.  It is a Canon S450 USB printer.
I used printconf tool to set it up.  I tried using drivers bjc6000a1.upp 
& bjc6000b1.upp.  I also tried using the parallel port, but that did not 
work either.

I can't find any drivers or filters that will work.

I decided to hook up my old HP Deskjet 672 and give it a try.  The HP 
works ok.

Anyone have any information on how to get my Canon printer to work with 

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