Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: March 2001:
[linux-help] EFF

[linux-help] EFF

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To: BETek <sales@xxxxxxxxx>, Calvert Guthrie <CYCLETRUCK@xxxxxxx>, Chris Odam <cmo229@xxxxxxxx>, Dale McClaran <dmccla1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, David Hardin <david.hardin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Dennis <scottd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Donna & Bill Phillips <bubbausna@xxxxxxx>, "Donna J. Young" <dyoungtb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Gary Apple <gwapple99@xxxxxxxxx>, Gerald <grob49@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Greg & Beth <GGWilliams@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "k-slug (k-state)" <k-slug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, kclug <kclug@xxxxxxxxx>, Kulua <kulua-l@xxxxxxxxx>, Leighton <wlm4@xxxxxxxxxx>, "linux-help@xxxxxxxxx" <linux-help@xxxxxxxxx>, Mark Thomas <Italvegab@xxxxxxx>, Mike <mikecleveland@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, nanct <npremer@xxxxxxxxx>, "Novy, Doug" <dnovy@xxxxxxxx>, paul <psteele911@xxxxxxxxxxx>, rick <chasteen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, "sam @ home" <goldperk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, scot eastin <eastsme@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tom Boyd <TBOYD@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [linux-help] EFF
From: Lowell <lowell@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 13:12:41 -0600
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

        Excuse the broadcast crossposting, please, but this
is a very good article about a subject that is bigger than
it looks; the author hits it in all the right places and 
just enough every time.
        It's long but it's well worth the time:

.sig lite

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