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[linux-help] Re: Debian/apt guru required...

[linux-help] Re: Debian/apt guru required...

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: Debian/apt guru required...
From: Jeremy King <soapboxalpha@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 18:14:54 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

First, thanks to Tom for the answer that I was looking

As to the precise problem with the partition table, I
don't really know.  When I installed debian I said
"make a boot floppy" then "make linux bootable from
the hard disk".  Debian's lilo setup barfed at that
point, and basically refused to set up any kind of
"boot from the hard disk" option.  The actual error
message I no longer recall, but it couldn't handle the
partitioning scheme for some reason.  I assumed that
the problem was lilo's inability to boot from beyond
the 1023 cylinder--my hda1 is a pretty good sized
win98 partion, followed by swap, /boot, and /home on
hda5-7 (they are logical partitions).  The '/'
directory comes in last on hda8.

um... I feel like an absolute moron :-).

The lilo.conf was set to boot off of hda2.  No wonder
it didn't like me.  Deleting the '2' solved my
problems.  lilo just installed, a reboot is now in
progress, and I'm sure glad you all wanted me to
explain my problem.  I still don't know why debian
couldn't configure lilo correctly from the start, but
it's working now.  In any case, thanks for the info
Tom--I'm sure I'll find it to be useful in the future.


--- Jesse Kaufman <glandix@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> you may not have to go to all that trouble...  what
> exactly does lilo do
> when it "doesn't really apreciate the partitioning
> scheme"?  i've got some
> pretty whacked out partitions here (or i used to)
> and never had a problem
> (heck, i had my ext2 partition w/ all my mp3z
> thinking it was a Windows
> partition once!!!)...
> gLaNDix
> On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Jeremy King wrote:
> >
> > I'm in the process of whacking mandrake off of all
> my
> > machines and replacing it with Debian.  A simple
> > gateway ipmasq server is working wonderfully. 
> But, on
> > my second box I spent a long time picking through
> the
> > dselect package list only to discover that neither
> > lilo nor grub really appreciate my current
> > partitioning scheme (this is my dual-booting game
> > box). I don't see any way of fixing the partition
> > table short of obliterating the debian install.  I
> > wouldn't mind doing this, but I really don't want
> to
> > repeat my effort going through the package
> selection
> > process a second time.
> >
> > Is there a way that I can use apt to save a list
> of
> > the packages that are currently installed,
> reinstall
> > the base system, then use apt-get to reinstall the
> > files from my package list?
> >
> > I don't mind reconfiguring the packages--it's just
> > that picking through thousands of packages in
> dselect
> > drives me nuts.
> >
> > Jeremy
> >
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