Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: June 2000:
[linux-help] Re: kfm

[linux-help] Re: kfm

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: kfm
From: Jeff <schaller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 17:53:19 -0500 (CDT)
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, Craig Terhune wrote:

> Does anyone else use kde or kfm to download www. or ftp files?

Bloated desktop environments are the work of The Devil! IMHO, of
course.  But I point to the GUI of the masses (Win*) as supporting
evidence :)

I used lynx for the former and ftp for the latter (or scp, if I
can).  I've heard good things about wget for crawling-type
downloading of www stuff, though.   Of course, lynx -crawl
-traversal  is fun, too.

Disclaimer: My idea of fun may not be your idea of fun :)

It might also be noted that lynx and ftp are GUIs, in a sense. To
that I agree, in a sense, and point to the command-line
alternatives above :)

-jeff the oddball
The Treasury Department recently issued a new $1 Sacajawea coin, which is only
available at banks and Wal-Mart. What do you think? "Wal-Mart's selling
Sacajawea coins?  Say, that reminds me, I need a new answering machine and
some garbage bags." Tina Ormond, Architect.

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