Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: hpcomm-dev: May 2000:
Re: Win error message

Re: Win error message

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To: hpcomm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: "Volker Prahl" <volker.prahl@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Win error message
From: Irl_W_Smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 9 May 2000 15:49:43 -0400

FYI: the version of MFC42.dll contained in the download mentioned is 6.0.8447.
(This is the same version I have, which indeed does work.)

"James" <james@xxxxxxxxxx> on 05/09/2000 15:20:53

To:   "Volker Prahl" <volker.prahl@xxxxxxx>, hpcomm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx
cc:    (bcc: Irl W Smith/RES/Raytheon/US)
Subject:  Re: Win error message

This is because you use an older version of the MFC libraries.
Try downloading the new ones:



----- Original Message -----
From: "Volker Prahl" <volker.prahl@xxxxxxx>
To: <hpcomm-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 1:41 PM
Subject: Win error message

> Dear all
> I have installed the PC Connectivity Kit on my windows NT4.0.
> As i dubble klick the HPComm button i get the message:
> The  Ordnungszahl (ordinal number) not found in MFC42.DLL.
> Please let me know to solve the problem.
> Whith kind regards
> Volker Prahl

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