Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: hpcomm-announce: February 2000:
HPComm38 1.0r2 announced

HPComm38 1.0r2 announced

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To: hpcomm@xxxxxxxxxxxx, hpcomm-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: HPComm38 1.0r2 announced
From: Mitch Davis <mjd@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 11:32:26 +1100

Dear HPComm friends,

After a lot of testing, James and I are proud to announce
HPComm38 1.0r2.  This version has many improvements to
both features and reliability over HPComm38 1.0r1.

If you're an HP38G user, we would encourage you to upgrade
to this new version.

You can download HPComm38 from the HPComm website:

Questions should be directed to the HPComm mailing list,
at hpcomm@xxxxxxxxxxxx.


Mitch and James.
| mailto:mjd@xxxxxxxxxx       | Not the official view of: |
| mailto:mjd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Australian Calculator Opn |
| Certified Linux Evangelist! | Hewlett Packard Australia |

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